We are looking for submissions for the ATWS Grand Opening. Contest Submission Deadline: Thursday, Aug 31st 2006. The Grand Opening Contest theme is “beginnings”. Any photos or layouts that relate to “beginnings”. It can be only your own thought of what it means. Such as : a picture or l/o of a diet soda could be the beginning of a diet, a picture or l/o of your ex boyfriend etc etc.. Get creative! Please see www.astheworldscraps.com/index2.shtml for more details on how the monthly contest works.
2 contests! You can send in submissions for either one or both contests. One entry per contest per month.1. 1-4 of any type or kinds of photos. Please add any journaling or details that you wish to provide to the designers.or 2. a paper or digi layout of any size.
Layouts or digi’s etc can be up 300 kb submissions. Send submissions to atwscontest@gmail.com
There are a great bunch of girls over at ATWS and we would love, just LOVE to have you there!
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