Men – Mmmmmmmm 🙁
Bec and I went to lunch yesterday BEFORE the above hoopla and had quite an ass ache. First of all let me say Bec and I both have PMS at the same time this month. And it would be fair to say we are a little less than nice. Sooooooo we make our way through traffic, through construction trying SO hard to get to chinese (we NEED our fix). We turn at a light and there is a little old man trying to get out of his car to wave traffic around him. Obviously his car wouldn’t start, bless his heart. Do you think any men would stop to help him??? Nooooooo, so Bec and I stopped. We ask him if he wanted us to push him off the road and into a parking lot and he said he’d sure appreciate it. So there we are, her in cowboy boots and me in flip flops pushing this mans car. Now at THAT point do you think a man would stop to help us? Heck no, they just kept driving past. But we pushed him, laughing, me telling her to stop or I was about to pee my pants…..we got him into the parking lot. And then I look up and see a truckful of men laughing at us? Oh heck no, NOT TODAY!!! If you cannot get your lazy butt out of your truck to help you certainly have NO right to laugh at us. These two country girls got the job done, just like Daddy taught us. So all you men, we are heating the hot plate right now.
Praise God I have someone to ride the crazy train with me.. at least we have fun!