Totally love this new lo I did about ME! Although Joe hated the pic (eye roll) I loved it. It did scan a little scary though, like a Marilyn Manson album cover. It has an artsy freestyle feel to it and I was so happy with it when I was done. I did it for Elsie #3 Challenge (ribbon border). All the words around the lo explain who I am. They are rocker, sweet, loud, lover, honest, sassy, loyal, wife, different, sexy, mouthy (shocker, huh?), outgoing, playful, vibrant, friend,loving, fun, mother, rebel. That pretty much sums me up. The only one I forgot to put was occasional bitch, lol, didn’t see it necessary on this lo.
Amy,your blog is so flippin cool! Wanna redo mine? lol Your layout is so awesome! You truly are an inspiration!! Hugs 🙂
I really do love this picture, Its dark, and sometimes we are. We just don’t let anyone see it