This is my favorite picture EVER of Joe! Is he smokin’ HOT or what?!?! When I saw this pic I took of him I thought DANG boy, you are so hot (hence the journaling/title). Love me a BIG man! Yummy arms and shoulders, so yummy! When Joe saw this layout he just rolled his eyes, lol. I just wanted to pay tribute to my HOT man. I have really been on a kick lately with just scrappin’ life, real life, not just the great moments. I did this one last night of one of my kids most recent fights. Ugh, their fights do SO make me tired. It always starts with something little, something funny. This fight started when Joey tramped on her racoon stuffie. That made her MAD! She chased him around the yard, got a few good hits in (dont you just love how I took pics the whole time, lol). Then Joey pushed her down because she wouldn’t quit slapping him. At the end of the fight she was on the ground crying and he was MAD. They just LOVE when I take their pics at times like this. But ya know, this is real, this is my life day to day. Someday they will look back on this and laugh.
Here is another “real life” layout I did last night. It shows the famous “CUTLER CRACK”. Yes, almost every single Cutler sports “the crack” and my daughter is no exception, bless her heart. The journaling reads “It’s been passed down through generations – the “Cutler Crack”. You all seem to have it. Your Pap, Dad, Joey and now you. No matter what we do it always shows up somehow. I feel for ya baby, your a girl & Cutler crack isn’t really a girlie thing. The only advice I can give you is hike those pants up, pull that shirt down and break the cycle.” ~kisses to all
Every family tree has a few cracks in the branches, Baby Kaya has shown us the joys and horrors of baby girl crack, ( always powdered tho’) lol. Doesn’t matter, girl cracks are cute
You are so funny! I love your “life” layouts! Just dropping by to share some love. Hope you’re feeling better. 🙂