Hey ya’all! I’ve been sooo slacking on my blogging lately 🙁 So sorry about that. I promise promise to keep up on it more.
Last night I had a huge streak of inspiration and got some fun things done. Why does my inspiration always come at like 11pm? Yep, up till 1:30 scrapping last night. I have my layout done for the contest at KMA. I think I’m going to wait to upload it though, maybe Saturday morning.
I also have my cd covers done for the mix cd swap at PI. What a FUN swap to do, seriously! Remember making mixes for your friends in high school, gosh, I had such fun with this! I have my playlist made and my cd covers done. All that is left is to burn the cd’s and do the inside cover. I will post a pic of the cover/inside when I finish it all. I am SO totally happy with how the cover turned out. It totally reflects me and my love affair with music.
Yes Miss Tanya, I will forever from now on post BIG pics so you can see hella detail. Kisses girl!
Oh another happy thing this week…..I FINALLY got Verizon to trade us out of the STUPID phones we had. We got these phones last July. From the second we go them they would just shut off. Middle of a phone call…shut off. Middle of a text….shut off. BOY does that piss me off. Well, Verizons policy is you have to go through 3 phones of the SAME model before they will trade you out of it. So we went through them, all 6 phones did the EXACT same thing. Yesterday we got our 3rd replacement set. We activated them, sitting in the living room and Joes phone rings. He goes to answer it…..SHUTS OFF! Keep in mind this is a brand new phone that had been turned on for maybe a half hour. So this morning first thing I called them. Finally, they traded us out of it. I guess we finally jumped through enough hoops for them.
We also got our new monitor yesterday. The old one (which was a month old) blew last Thursday night during Ambers “Fun with Paint” class at PI. I waited for this class since the moment I saw it…then the stupid monitor blows. But it’s all good now, all fixed.
Well out for now, stuff to get done
So glad the phone is going to be fixed
Hi my peep!!! Glad to see you’ve been busy…hope to chat with you soon. 🙂