I’m addicted. To scrapping that is. I just can’t go a single day without some aspect of it in my life. I lay in bed at night and fall asleep thinking of layouts. I dream about scrapping. I sit at work and think about what layouts I can do that night. SUCH AN ADDICT!
Here is a cute pic for today, just because posts without pics are boring. This is Lula ‘n me. I totally need more pics of my friends to scrap (BEC) and wish *some* of them would do a photo shoot with me (BEC) and would LOVE to be able to do a friends mini album (BEC). So if any of my friends (BEC) ever want to do one, just let me know.
Out for now
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HEY YO! I’m diggin’ that pic! What did you do to it?? (PSP effects??)
Yep, I just did a PSP effect..I believe it was “oil painting”.
Gee, I wonder who you were talking about. Maybe Tammy…. if you ask her really nice she may do more. lol