we had SUCH a nice date day today….i had no idea what we were doing, joe wanted to surprise me. we left at 9 am and went for a long drive, ending up in st. college. we walked around the mall, around michaels and petco then ate at outback (total yum) then we came home. it was nice, seriously, you have no idea how much i enjoyed it. here are some pics from today ~
ok well since my computer has decided it is totally against uploading everything we will have to wait till monday to view some pics. I have some pics from today and some pics of a fun little scrappy project i’ve had going on this week. it was so nice to just take a break and scrap for fun, just let my heart lead me. i was in desperate need of scrap therapy and my little project sure did it for me.
out for now
ps……………..i hate my computer and dial-up sucks ass
hey girlie… glad you had a great date day!! We are going to have one on the 5th (our anniversery) and I can’t WAIT! I’m sooo excited!
Sooo glad you have a wonderful date day!!!!! 🙂