I am SUCH a nerd when it comes to crying (Joe would agree). I cry at the smallest and stupidest things….although I try to portray this huge TOUGH imagine. I cried when I watched the Hallmark commercial of the little elderly lady living alone and the neighbors sending her a card…yep, I cried. I felt so bad for the elderly lady not having anyone. I cry when other people tell me sad stories that I know NOTHING about. I cry when other people cry. Mostly my crying is just silly stuff but today something very touching made me cry. I was reading Jody Feerlaks blog and she had a link for this family. So I got to that blog, already knowing that Jody said they were going through a rough time with the loss of their daughter. I already know I’m going to cry but I go there anyways. And I sit at my desk…at work…reading the blog…reading the tragic story and I bawl my eyes out. Then I think “why do I do this to myself while I’m at work?”. So then people walk past my desk, see me crying and ask me what is wrong. I had the same problem when I read Jodys story weeks back and now today that I have read Sheyes story…I am too upset to answer them. If I utter one word about the story, just one word, I am going to burst out into full sobbing.
So what was the point of me making this post you ask? We all need to count our blessings, seriouly. I am reminded more and more every day of how lucky I am. How I just got mad two days ago at Joe for backing my Tahoe into a tree BUT gosh, my children are healthy. So many times I take the day to day for granted, take my loved ones for granted. In the big picture we are very blessed and I want to remember that more in my daily life. So I challenged myself to list 10 things that I am blessed with and remember them through this whole day. Everytime I get angry about something small or feel down because of bills I am going to remind myself of this list of 10.
- a roof over our heads
- healthy, amazing children that fill me with joy everyday
- a wonderful husband – even though I could choke the crap out of him sometimes
- parents that were willing to take a chance 31 years ago and adopt a baby girl and give her the best life possible
- two paid off vehicles
- we NEVER lack for food, obviouly ha ha
- a job with great pay and good benefits
- Joe going back to work, and finding work so easily, after being off for 5 years with a injury
- a close-knit family that always makes me feel so included, even though I am the only one not “blood related” they never made me feel that way
- the ability after 20 years to find both my birthparents and have a relationship with them
Out for now~kisses
Amy I can so relate with you on this. I too cry over silly things…commercials, books, anything. Once I read the story about this amazing woman I couldn’t stop sobbing and hugging my little girl. There must be no greater pain in life than loosing your child. GOD BLESS Her and her family! Thank you for sharing this story w/us.
I completely agree, we all need to stop and count our blessings!!
I think we should all challenge ourselfs to make a 10 list.
thank you so much for the warning this time… i am at work, so i will read it at home tonight! i am a crier too… although at times it came be a pain… i won’t give up the emotion… kerri
amy way to go counting your blessings…i was blessed by reading that.
Thanks, chica!!! You have inspired me!!!
i always try to remember the important things when i feel my blood pressure rising when something small doesn’t go right.. great list… i’m counting my blessings today as well!! 🙂