i have also decided i was totally sick to death of my perm and i straightened my hair and got it cut. i wanted some layers in it..totally took a pic with me to the salon..totally did not get what i wanted. but oh well, i can deal with it. but hello, can you puh-lease listen to me when i tell you what i want? turns out it really is my hair and since i have to wear it on my head everyday i figure i should have some type of say about it.
i also am totally stoked to go meet my critique group girls in august. we are planning a trip to lauries house in maryland. oh heck yes….road trip! i’m going with michelle, cathy and shelley. from what i’ve heard road trips with those girls are a hoot. i just can’t wait!!! we are going the third week in august so i have quite a while yet before my trip. i dont know if i can make it that long!
also i have some potd to share ~
6-15….not sure about my new hair
6-17….sexy eyesyeah, i know i missed a few days. i have them at home to upload and just haven’t done it yet. i really need to get at with that before i’m really behind on it. perhaps i will get a chance to do that tonight.out for now~kisses
Do you have no shame at all??? Do you really think anyone wants to look at you and your fat ass family….ugh!!!! You are the definition of white trash…college educated…popular scrapbooker….oh my!
sexy eyes….LOL….nice strech marks on your ass….why in God’s name would you want to show this to the whole world….
WTF? Don’t ya love anonymous comments? I mean, really….is it so obvious that they are jealous of you Amy, that you can be “your beautiful self” and LOVE IT?
Anyways, I, uh…lost my train of thought….OH, so you’re headed to Maryland, huh? Sounds so fun! I hope you have a blast! (I hope someone is “driving” with you! What will you do in the big city? LMAO!
First off HOW RUDE, ANONYMOUS!!!!!!!!!!!
Amy, your a wonderful, beautiful person and yes, people really do want to see you and your kids!!!!!!
I’m super excited to see you again in August!!!
LOVE the new hair do and those “sexy eyes” love that picture!!
I honestly don’t know what to make of Anonymous comments. I guess if their opinion really mattered and they weren’t AFRAID to voice their opinion they wouldn’t have to post as anonymous.
Amy just keep doing what your doing. That is what real art does. It provokes emotion! Some of it is good and some of it is bad, but its doing its job.
You should feel proud of what you have done. Every person who has made a mark on society has had to face deterents. It only makes you stronger!
After our talk I decided, maybe you should do a lay out about sneaking in the bathroom and hogging down McDonalds at work, or maybe trying to have an affair with every man possible at work. lol…. Okay I’m done now
Amy – This is LAFScrapfanatic – had to go anonymous cuz this little red neck white trash chick ain’t got not google/blogger account.
I just wanted to say that I love and respect you and your family! I aspire to your talents as a scrapper and I am in awe of your strength as a mother and your devotion as a wife.
I am so excited to be meeting you in August – and Tanya – sorry no big city – Port is just a tiny dot on the big old map – but we love it!
From one proud red neck to another ~ love you Chicka!
Well Anonymous…. first let me say I am white trash and proud of it. If being white trash is working 40 hour plus weeks, and making sure that everyone is taking care of first…. yep WE ARE!And well as far as being a fat ass, Yep I’m that too. But do I really care what some stupid chicken shit like you would say…. ah NO! Its just to bad that you dont have a life, that you have to act like a uneducated peice of shit…. but then again, that is TRUE WHITE TRASH!
Big Man Out
oh my God… who is the total asshole… i can not believe anyone would say that about you or your family… talk about trash… i think they should speak up and give their name… WTF…. i just got really pissed
I think anonymous needs to get her panties out of a wad & grow up! HOW RUDE & MEAN!!! You’re an idiot! We love you Amy! Keep up the awesome work girl!
You know it really takes a big person to leave such an insulting comment as anonymous. You can run your mouth but cannot own up to it. wow grown up. I suspect you are just some jealous little person who has no talent or beauty to speak of and has to sit and put other people down who do have those qualitys.
Do grow up.
Amy – You are a lovely lady. Do not let such things get to you. At the end of the day the only comments that count and that should affect you are from the people who *know* you and who *care* about you.
Not comments from random idiots.
Chelle aka ChaosPersonified
(Couldn’t be arsed to find my blogger pw LOL)
You are truly an ignorant/rude & above all pitiful person to leave these comments. What you should do is crawl back into your little pathetic hole. Your comments really just show that you are “JEALOUS” of the beautiful, amazing and loving person that Amy is.
How pathetic – anonymous didn’t have the guts to put his/her name down. Girl, I LOVE the layouts, LOVE spending time with your college educated popular scrapbooking self, LOVE Joey, Jade, and Joe, and LOVE that tattoo! Serious face!
Amy, I just wanted to let you know that I’ve been stalking your blog for a long time now and love it! You inspire me daily with your creative photos. I hope you do not let ignorant, anonymous comments discourage you from posting! I think you rock girl!