first of all…this is the pic for 6/4/07and the pic for 6/5/07…yes i know it’s kinda, um, exposing but it’s my tattoo and to tell ya the truth i’ve never saw my back look so damn good before.

saturday we took joey and his friend to the mall so he could spend his money. what a trip, geesh…while we were there we got a call that joe’s mom had fallen backwards down her basement steps. his brother took her to the er. she had to get 5 staples in the back of her head and she is awful banged up. bless her heart….
and this friday i will have been married for 11 years….11,000 years it feels like sometimes (just kiddin’ hun). i doubt we will do much celebrating, i’m pretty sure i’m going to be worn out from this week.
the kids start daycare at the YMCA tomorrow. they are soooooo not excited about it, not at all. jade said she doesn’t think it’s necessary. and i say she better love it up for how much i will be paying for it. well we will see how it goes…wish us luck.
out for now
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Love it, Ya know, I forget we even have those tat’s. lol I never get to see it.
Happy belated birthday Joey and Happy Anniversary Amy and Joe!!! Love all the new photos!