i had a big post wrote last night but blogger ate it…i hate when it does that!
i was on a little vaca, if that’s what you call it. last thursday i had a horrible gallbladder attack and drove myself to the er (yes, i got in trouble for this) at 1 am. once there they did blood work and found that my gallbladder was so bad it was affecting my liver. i had surgery friday and had my gallbladder removed. so i’ve been home for nearly a week recovering from this….watching tv, wearing pajamas, hanging out with the poochies, scrapping and starting to drag out my christmas decorations. i’m back to work today…and let me tell you i could sure use my pajamas back on!
in other news the kids got their report cards last thursday…they got such good grades!!! and guess what else, joey made the honor roll! i am so totally proud of both of them.
did anyone else watch the season premier of project runway last night? looooooove this show, for real.
out for now
OMG! I was like, where the hell is Amy? Glad to hear that you are doing ok and back to work! I’da sent some chicken noodle soup if I’da known you were home from surgery!
Hope things are better though! Take care my lovely! Miss ya’s!
OH, and GREAT JOB JADE AND JOEY on your report cards!
Glad you are feeling all better!!! And even though you already got in trouble for it, I still have to add my 2 cents. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING DRIVING YOURSELF TO THE HOSPITAL? Seriously girl I am just happy you got there ok.
Congrats to Joey and Jade on their report cards!
Oh yeah…PROJECT RUNWAY is back and I am so excited. I love love this show, its one of my favs ever. What did you think?????
WOW GREAT job Jade and Joey! Make your Mommy proud! 🙂
I am so glad you are ok Amy…but Ana is right “WHY ON EARTH DID YOU DRIVE YOURSELF TO THE HOSPITAL???
Anyway…i am glad you are recovered and feeling better. {{{hugs}}}
OMG…I’m so glad you’re okay!!! Great job to Joey and Jade! They’re awesome kids!!