i’ve been thinking for awhile now of moving my blog to typepad…i just love that i can make albums there and it just looks so cool and user friendly.
see the little poll at the side here —————>
that’s for you to cast your vote…should i stay where i am and be happy or move it on over to typepad. i just hate that i can’t just move everything that is here already over there. so let me know your opinion puh-lease!!!!!!!!!
out for now, back later to have layout lovins!
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Typepad is really easy to use, I love it!
Thanks for visiting our blog and sharing your lunch with us!
I’m gonna say move – because you share a lot of LO’s, pics and different stuff and typepad seems the place to organize all of your great stuff!
I will visit where evah you are! 🙂
doesn’t matter to me, but didn’ Elsie visit this blog???
I will follow you wherever you are!!! LOL I am a creature of habit so i would stay…but that’s just me!!! hehe…
I hear typepad is good and easy to use though!
Michelle. {mshell}