oh yes…it’s monday and i’m at home…with the day off…loving that i’m not at work…loving that joe and the kids have the day off too
so i’ve been kinda stuck lately artistically…not really stuck but just been feeling kinda blah and not really wanting to scrap or be online much at all…then last night after reading a challenge for this weeks scrapvivor over at tallyscrapper i was just inspired…i had to lay on the floor and take a pic of something and i chose my antique ceiling light in my scraproom…this fixture was bought by my grandma when she lived here and i’m sure it cost her quite a bit of money as she didn’t have much…so here is the layout i did

then once i did the layout i was still inspired by the pic…i just loved it! so i made a canvas and i am SO in love with how it turned out! i think i’m going to take it to work and hang it in my cubicle and on days i need to smile i will just look at it.

welp, since i’m home today i’m planning on cleaning…and talking everyone else into helping me lolout for now~kisses
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