when you look at us is fat the first thing you see? you dont see the amazing people we are
inside, the awesome mothers, friends, wives and daughters that we are. you never will take the time to know us because you dont want associated with a “fat person”. instead you will sit by snickering, staring and passing judgement.
there is no “perfect weight”. we are all SO caught up by how people look, if they look underweight or overweight we shun them to shame. we think that because someone is underweight they starve themselves and because someone is overweight they eat themselves to death, which isn’t always true.
i will not appoligize for being the person i am. i am not sorry that i am missing out on relationships with people like you because of my size. in reality i probably wouldn’t want to have a relationship with you anyways. and believe me, YOUR the one who is missing out. did your mothers ever teach you “if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all” or “words cut deeper than knives”. your comments have done nothing but convince me more what a small-minded, self-centered person you are.
do you know what it’s like to have to hold your daughter and console her while she crys because kids at school called her “fat”, “hoggish” and “stupid”? to see every single day a little more of her self-esteem chipped away to nothing? to watch your husband, the love of your life, walk into a store and everyone snickering behind his back and pointing? to watch someone eye you from head to toe and then give you a look of disgust? until you know how it feels and you’ve walked a mile in my shoes…don’t you dare pass judgement on me.
my friend bec, who i love to death, has a PERFECT post about this on her blog. check it out here… i couldn’t say it any better than she already has.
i am not an ideal size as defined by the world but i am a beautiful woman. i am an amazing mother who would lay down my life for my kids. i am a devoted wife and have a love with my husband that can’t be broken. i have friendships so sincere that i would go to the ends of the earth for them. and believe me, my self worth is NOT determined by your opinion of me.
Amy – You are so RIGHT, you are indeed a BEAUTIFUL, AMAZING and Truly GIVING person. Don’t ever let anyone make you feel any less.
Unfortunately our society is so stuck on “body image” that it has become a struggle for every woman in this country, starting with young girls. If only we could go back to the time where Marylin Monroe was our “sex symbol”! She was beautiful and never put down for being a size 14!
The reality is that what we see on TV & magazines is not the representing the everyday woman in our country. These actresses/models starve themselves, have trainers and do drugs in order to stay thin, because that is what the media wants.
I’m sorry that you are hurting and that sweet Jade is too. I hate that our world is becoming this way and only hope that our “children” will change it because they have learned from us what a “TRUE BEAUTY” is!
Amy I am so sorry you and Jade are hurting. I think you are one of the most beautiful I knw. You are so strong in your charachter and faith and I admire you so much. Igonre the crap. They are not worth it. I have found those that like to talk bad of others feel even worse about themselves. Love you girl, you are a hot,sexy woman 🙂
I agree with you 100%, I am heavy and I have lived with the scrutiny…and you know what happenned? I stopped eating! Is that Healthy? NOOOOO! The professionals wonder why younger and younger and more and more girls are developing eating disorders! Here you go! Too much emphasis being put on being “perfect”! Hugs to you and your daughter and all us big beautiful women! REPRESENT!
You tell them! God bless you for standing up to “the world” and I know it feels like that sometimes. I myself an far from the image the world thinks I should be. I grew up with a wanderful father who the world only sees as “overweight”. It is horrable what other humans can put people through. I truely would rather sit and get to know someone the world sees as not the “perfect image” because in my experience they are the true gems in this world. I feel for your daughter and you. My son also has issues with being teased, for being to skinny and too smart, and nothing you can say can make it all better. Take comfort in knowing that she knows you love her unconditionally and you are always there. Remember God never gives us more than we can handle, so God thinks your little girl is pretty tough 🙂 And from the little bit of insite into who you are from this blog I can see that God made you a beautiful Woman.
God Bless
You said it girl!!! 😉
Love your work!!