so did everyone get a ton of layouts done on NSD? sadly, i only got one project done. we had a lot going on saturday and i didn’t have a lot of time to scrap. this is the one project i completed for a challenge at tallyscrapper…it’s an altered tin lid with a handmade jean flower…the quote “most people she never tells about her tightrope because she doesn’t want to listen to their helpful comments from the ground ~ brian andreas”…one of my FAV quotes ever!
so saturday the kids had a thing at church in the morning, from 10:30 – 12:00…they had hotdogs and cleaned the church (guess how excited they were to clean)…then from 12 – 2 was an art show at school…how awesome is it that EVERY child from grade k – 12 had a piece of art in this show? you know me, i think art is SO important in life. it’s good for your soul and makes it happy. so how awesome to encourage our children at a young age to just express themselves through art!!! of course…my batteries were dead in my camera

also this weekend (friday) was my mother-in-laws birthday so we went and spent friday evening with her. she lives in town and we of course live out in the country. sooooo funny to see my kids at her house. there are just things you DONT do in town, like pee outside and such. it’s kinda frowned upon. so to the point of the story…joey and jade were racing. joey said his sister kept beating him because his shorts were too tight on him (eye roll) soooo he took his shorts off to race in just his skivies…not a real “town” thing to do lol
welp a ton of work on my desk to get done so i better go
out for now
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