i am hoping to get some scrappy time in tonight…i have some fresh, new pics that are calling my name. and since it’s rainy and yucky out, that should be no problem. loooooove late night scrappy time!little mr. joeys field trip was yesterday…to a baseball game (the curve)…do you think he even knew the score..NOOOOOOOO…he walked around the entire time they were there basically…and what was he doing you ask…oh yes, scouting for girls! honestly, at 10…can’t you just sit and watching the game? are girls REALLY that important at 10? geesh…welp i should go for now…since i am at work and they do kinda pay me to do something out for now~kisses
I understand completely how you feel. I am so glad we have some outside interests that give us some joy. There seems to have been a lot of WTF? moments this week. So this weekend seems to look especially great.
Have a good one!
I had a rotten day at work also!! So glad it is behind us now!!