so yesterday i decided i was going to take our 4-wheeler out for a nice ride and to take some pics…i had already taken some kick ass pics along the way so thought i would just take this gas pipe line home since it was quicker…i was driving along the pipe line, really nice drive too…i had went across one little creek and then a kinda yucky mud puddle…came up to another “mud puddle” and thought i would burn ass across it…nope, not happening…no i now had the nose of the 4-wheeler burried in about 3 feet of muck…SHIT, now what…i wrenched and pushed…and rocked…and put branches under my back wheeles…i did manage to move it about a foot backwards…but holy shit, i just couldn’t move it anymore…thankfully i had my cell phone with me…and i only had to walk about 3/4 mile UPHILL to get service…it was at THIS point that i realized nothing was going to be easy…
i called joe and he told me he would get the kids around and come out…i waited and waited…freaking out the ENTIRE time, all i could picture was a scene out of wrong turn…finally i can hear joe and see him walking in the distance…i jumped off the 4-wheeler to walk and meet him…he said “see what i’m missing amy”….um, you dont have shoes on joe, why…oh well turns out he had tramped in mud and LOST his shoes, ugh…and he was NOT happy about it…so we yanked and pushed…and pushed and pulled…and finally got that bitch out of there…thank GOSH!
joe and i rode the 4-wheeler back home (a different way) and my cousin drove the blazer back to the house…now enter another part of the exciting story…
the kids were waiting in the car while joe helped get me out…and jade was worried about her mama…and thought i might have flipped the 4-wheeler over…well her anxiety got the best of her and she puked all though joe’s blazer…poor little thing…
what a freakin day! looking back now it’s kinda funny but boy it sure wasn’t then…
oh my gosh Amy!!!!!!!!!! You should have a warning like DON”T DRINK PEPSI while reading Jades anxiety got the best of her and she pucked in his blazer. I know it isn’t really funny, but my nose is still burning from having Pepsi almost come out of it.
Aww poor Jade! What a day! Did you get some great photos anyway???