so today i went on a tiny etsy shopping binge with some extra money i’ve made from my scrappies…and i bought some super cute stuff!!!!! gosh i could spend SO MUCH money over there!!! and i love that i’m supporting artists like me, trying to make it in the industry.
~i bought this, which i totally love. i got the pink/black one…totally plan on using that as a beach bag! i freakin’ love it!!! ♥
~and i bought these, how damn cute are they?!?! can totally think of tons of things to do with them! ♥
~i am so excited about this one…when i get it we are going to have some serious love scrappies time! ♥
~and lastly, these i’ve wanted for a while. i have saw them in CK lately and they are so flippin cute! ♥
this pic of the kids really makes me laugh…jade is ALWAYS trying to get a laugh out of everyone. my kids are two of the funniest kids i know…seriously, they crack me UP all the time. i’m so glad they have a good sense of humor, i think that’s totally important in life. and dang, those of you that know sissy (kristen), how much does jade remind you of her in this pic?
and how about some layout lovins for today~
it’s getting close to the weekend…and i totally have a date with my love tomorrow night!!! i so love date night. i think we are going out to dinner and then just hanging out, maybe out at camp. saturday night we will be going to the fireworks on the lake at glendale…they are GORGEOUS fireworks!!! sunday is free day at the fair so we will be going to that. and monday night is the fair parade…sounds like a FUN couple of days!!! but normally it leaves me with very little internet and scrappy time, which is sad. i’ll make up for it when it’s all over.
out for now
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Omg, your layouts flippin’ ROCK!! And did you see the awesome recycled BOOK that one chick with the felt word bubbles was selling? Man, I get inspired just browsing through etsy…LOVE that place!
I may have to get one of those ephemera packs….how cool are those?!! Enjoy your new treasures! 🙂
Totally love the Etsy goodies you bought…OMG…can’t wait to see what you do with that paper pack!! Fun pics of Jade…she’s a real hoot!! Have fun with your hottie this weekend!! 🙂
Your LOs are awesome.
AMy is that your son with the longer hair? Oh my gosh. He looks so different and cool!!