the new challenge (#3) at guttergirlz is up…and it’s an awesome one girls!!! i dont have my lo on my computer here at work, so i will have to add it once i’m home tonight.
and it’s that time of year again, the garden is starting to come on! yesterday we had our first zuchinni out of it and oh my GOSH did it taste good! we had fried zuchinni for supper. then i made 2 large loaves and 7 small loaves of zuchinni bread. and i still have one zuchinni left to use up.
joey also took a big woo woo wreck on his bike last night. he really buggered his knee up…to the point where we thought he needed stitches. thankfully he didn’t but they did have to clean it up quite a bit. ouch!
out for now, be back later
Just dropping by to say thanks for commenting on my last Gutter Girlz LO. It was a lot of fun to do!