so this week i am hoping to get some more scrappy projects done…i’m like dying to scrap but i had NO mojo this weekend. weird huh? and i even have a BRAND spakin’ new box of hambly goodness waiting for me to play with. i’m hoping that some fresh pics will start my mojo back up.
here is a quick pic i took of my new do this weekend…in other news our sweet little kitty ming ming china love (who jade has made a play house for and dresses up) is in fact a BOY kitty!!! jade was sad for a brief moment and then told me that she is just going to pretend that ming is a girl and still call it “she” and “her”. man, has my blog sucked lately or what? there is nothing exciting…nothing funny…nothing real woo woo…just BLAH! i am going to do whatever i can to change that.oh and i will be blogging more often…aunt vi told me she checks my blog EVERY SINGLE DAY so i am going to try my darndest!out for now~kisses
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