thursday night…just to add to the week from hell i was having…this sweet little thing got into naughty stuff while we were at football practice. we came home to the living room carpet being covered in rat poison, where he found it at (in the basement) i have no clue…i haven’t saw rat poison laying around down there for years, but he managed to find it and eat some of it. so the next hour after we got home was consumed with frantic calls to animal poison control (never knew there was such a thing), vets offices and trying to calm jade down. thankfully friday morning joe took ming to the vet and got vitamin k shots (the antidote to rat poison). we have to give him one shot a day for 7 days then he should be good to go. but NO MORE trips to the basement for this naughty kitty!
i had a totally nice, happy relaxing weekend and i loved up every single second of it! friday night i went home from work and went straight to the garden…picked some peppers and made stuffed peppers for dinner…YUM!!! then i scrapped late into the night, i got these two layouts done for challenges over at tally~
saturday joe took the kids with him for the day so i cleaned like heck all day long…i mainly focused on the kids bedrooms (jade’s mostly) and getting school clothes put away. by the time joe and the kids got home at 7 i was just exhausted.
and sunday…the time is here again…CANNING SEASON! i love canning season…it means fall is close behind. and ya’all know fall is my FAV season! so my sunday was just filled with canning…from 8 am to around 5 pm…i did pepper jelly, hot pepper dip, pepper relish and banana pepper rings. and after that my butt was whooped and i was ready for bed.
i also got some exciting news this weekend that made my day…i made the dt at technicolor postcards…so excited about this! and the talent on the dt is just crazy mad, seriously, go check out the site and look at the dt list!!!
we are leaving this thursday for a quick trip to ny to see my grandma, her health hasn’t been well lately. we are planning on coming home on monday…so it should be a nice little visit up there.
school starts this wednesday and i’m shocked that my kids are excited. i never remember being excited to go back to school (except to wear the new clothes)…so we are off on another school year adventure, who knows WHAT this one will hold…lets cross our fingers that it will be a easy peasy year…
out for now
Love, love, love your work and congrats as a finalist at Gypsie Rose.
hey amy!! i just want to say hi and that i’m so glad we get to hang together with the technicolor kits!!
i just totally stalked you to find your blog and figure out who you are…lol. geez, your pages are amazing…you’re one of those brilliant artsy gals i’m so intimidated of…you’re stuff is really fab! xo sandy
Hope the little Kitty is doing ok. Hope you are managing those injections. Super congrats on the DT!!!
Hey Amy! I’m another Leading Lady, I’m so super excited! Can’t wait to explore your blog more, so far I love EVERYTHING! 🙂 Fall is my super-favorite season, too. I can’t wait! 🙂