So right now I’m blogging from my blackberry – which is total sweetness! We are on the road on our way to NY. Everyone is comfy in their seats – one little is sleeping already…Josh Turner is crankin on the radio…I have a new cosmo to read through…a big ole pop beside me – perfect trip I would say except its raining like heck. Turns out I’m not real excited about being surrounded by big 18 wheelers on the interstate especially in pouring down rain! So if anyone reads this today.- please pray for us a safe trip
Go check out technicolor postcards – she has bios up for all the leading ladies and links to their blogs…also a little info about the upcoming kit debut! I’m so excited to be one of the leading ladies – still can’t believe it
School started this week and so far both kids are enjoying it. They both seem to like their new teachers – they both have teachers who are brand new at the school this year. Let’s all just cross our fingers and pray for an easy year for miss jade
Joey went to the orthodontist yesterday for what I thought was just a pre-braces appointment of talking and ended up with spacers between all his molars. His mouth hurt really bad last night and still hurts today. So far he hasn’t been able to eat anything. Poor thing – I don’t think he realizes how much braces hurt
Well in the time I typed this both littles fell asleep so I’m off to visit with my sweets
Out for now
Have a good trip! Praying for your safe travels…those big trucks kinda scare the poopy outta me, too! Bloggin’ from a Blackberry….you go, girl! 🙂
I hope you have a safe trip and have a wonderful visit with your grandma.
Hope you arrived safely Amy!! Are you anywhere close to where I live? I can’t wait for you all to come visit us!! 🙂
Hope you enjoy your time with your grandma.
Enjoy your vaca! Oh and the rest of us drive on highways with semi’s in the rain…you’ll be ok! (hehe!)
just seen your name over on the technicolor postcards blog!!! I was like…” i know her” congrats girl this looks like a cool spot!!!