joey now has his braces on…and finally, after 4 days, they arn’t so stinkin sore everyday. he’s learning how to eat with them on (cutting stuff in little pieces) and he’s found out that wax is his friend
also joey has a new “fan”…a little girl that obviously likes him…and she calls my house at least 5 times a day, one day calling about 12 times…it’s driving me insane, for real…and i don’t think it’s one bit necessary at 11 years old
i have all my spaghetti sauce done…i canned 51 quarts, finishing up saturday…and i’m so glad it’s done, thats a lot of work
joeys first football game was yesterday, and jades first time cheering…they both had a good time…joeys team lost 32-18 but he got two good tackles in…and i saw him get mad during the game and really knock a kid on his ass (that’s my boy!)
here is some layout lovin’ from the weekend~out for now
Oh poor Joey! Glad he is improving. Love the layouts and you are awesome for all your canning and organizing!! Hope you have a great day!
great layouts!!
Poor Joey, glad to hear that its getting a bit better though.
Man you could teach me so much, someone just asked how I made spagetti sauce and I said I don’t.. its called Prego!! 🙂
yeah. braces HURT like a mother bitch, and they WILL every TIME they tighten them…
Love those lay outs*!*
Oh man, poor kid! I know at least one of my kids will be needing braces, and I’ll bet it hurts momma almost as much as it hurts them. 🙁
Soooo lovin’ your layouts, girl!! That first one is my fav, is that the Elsie lift for the Tally challenge? Oh, and that truck is SMOKIN’ hot, I can’t believe it had the same horn?!! Awesome!
Awwww…i hope Joeys mouth feels better. Braces suck 🙁
You are like super woman with all your canning and organizing! I am jealous!
GREAT new layouts Amy 🙂
AJ needs braces again too….he’s going into phase 2, and he’s been without them for almost 2 years, but it’s time now for the next set! Your layouts rock! How do you get your paint splattered like that? Every time I try I get it all over everything and I mean everything! LOL! You must have a trick! Please share!