so i’m not even real sure what facebook is…is it like the “new” myspace? well i gave in and now have a facebook page…i guess you would just search for amy cutler…not sure, it’s all new right now. if ya have a facebook…go add me!
i woke up this morning to…a snow covered ground. the first heavy snow is always pretty. it would have been much prettier if i didn’t have to leave my house and drive a 1/2 hour to work. the roads weren’t all that bad but a few places (lumber city hill) were sketchy. joe told me after i went through there a tractor trailer rolled over. i know the hill was all ice when i came down it. good times…good times
guess just how excited mr joey is for his physical and shots tonight? yep, about that excited, lol.
i am excited for my presentation to jade’s class tomorrow. nervous as heck though, my talk is only about 8 min. long and i have 43 min. to fill! i think i’ll have them help me make some scrapbook pages
out for now
LOL Amy I too just joined after Ryan bugged me for the last couple of months.
He loves it because he has reconnected w/old friends from both High School & College. Even his bosses are on there.
ummmm there's a lot of amy cutlers!!
No idea what facebook is…but send me all your snow!