the weekend was all i thought it would be and more. i got tons of painting done in the house (prep for thanksgiving) and lots of cleaning done. i have more painting to do but i can see a huge difference already. i love this time of year and i even secretly love that it makes me want to do tons of cleaning and crazy things like painting doorways and window seals.
how does it work that my kids go to a skating party and my son comes home with an older girlfriend? she’s not that much older, she’s in 7th grade and he’s in 6th. but he is still in the elementary school and she is in the high school. of COURSE she is a cheerleader and is blonde and cute as a button. i’m not ready, not at all, for this dating thing. hence why i’ve followed in my moms footsteps and made a firm rule of “MUST be 16 to date” in my household. i only have a little over 4 years to prepare myself for this.
there is a new challenge up at guttergirlz…go check it…it’s an awesome one. here is my take on it~
and there is also a new challenge up at dreamgirls…i had total fun with this layout for it…go check it out~
out for now
AWESOME LAYOUTS GIRL!! Nice job! 🙂 Glad to hear you had a great weekend!!
Love the layouts!!
We are so on the same page with those boys of ours….I am not ready either…..
GO JOEY…an Older girlfriend. LOL
I don’t even want to think about “dating”. YIKES! And, yep I too will have the dating rules my mom installed. I just hope Olivia won’t be to rebellious. LOL
Love the new LO’s!