i’m sooooo totally sick of snow…and ice…and sleet. we are in the midst of a storm containing all three…and the roads should be nice and crappy for my ride home. great, just what i love
grandma has been moved from the hospital to a nursing home (ridgeview) that has a great therapy department. she is doing ok, her speech has now completely left her. she tries once in a while to talk but most of the time she just doesn’t talk. she will shake her head a little yes and no to answer your questions but that’s about it. hopefully they can get her on the road to recovery.
and yesterday joe’s mom had another stroke. when it rains it pours right? from what joe’s brother said she is doing good and is basically the same as she was before the stroke. hopefully these strokes all just go away and never come back.
to top yesterday off, as if i didn’t have enough on my plate, my washing machine took a big SHIT. it died and now i have to be on the look for a new one at some point. stupid damn thing anyways
so i have some layouts i need to get uploaded here…there are some awesome new prompts up at dreamgirls and guttergirlz…
this layout is for the prompt up at dreamgirls right now…you need to go check it out, it’s a great prompt…i had total fun with this layout!

this layout is for the new prompt up at gutter girlz…and oh my GOSH did i love doing this layout…there is nothing better than scrapping therapy right? go check the prompt out here

so everyone, your continued prayers would be soooo appreciated!!!! thanks so muchout for now~kisses
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BAH Sorry for all the things going on at the moment. I will keep you in my thoughts! 😀
I LURVE your layouts by the way!!