oh it’s hump day thank gosh…why do the weeks feel longer as i get older? i could certainly do without that…
i have some layout love to share with ya…the first one is for the current prompt over at dreamgirls…go check it! i had a heck of a time getting a good pic of my lo

and here is my lo for the new prompt up at guttergirlz…yes, the words in the back ARE the lyrics to like a virgin by madonna…go check it!!!
aaahhhh the dares…i haven’t done one for so long, i’ve really missed it! i did this one friday night while talking on the phone to my friend amy…i really love pictureless layouts sometimes…
and this is my take on the current prompt at the creative type…love the bright colors…
i *think* i sized these babies so you can click on them and make them large…cause i know some of you like to see hella detail…out for now~kisses
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Great LO’s…so talented!
awesome layouts….especially your dares one!! great!~