that i get here and my mind goes blank?
things happen at home and i think “oh i have to blog that”
and then when i get here…nope…nothing…
i don’t understand that.
lets review our weekend…
friday night was spent with old friends…
and we all had a good time
and can’t wait to do it again!
saturday we got up early and went out for breakfast…
then home and out on the 4-wheelers
i think we went almost 30 miles…
it was a great ride
(although i don’t remember it hurting my tail bone last summer)
that evening we had family movie night
sunday was spent cleaning and doing laundry
with some family time thrown in there
we watched penelope, awesome movie!
and had hotdogs and burgers with macaroni salad…
we are totally ready for summer!!
out for now
Yeah, that drawing a blank thing once you see the white screen? Totally happens to me, too. What IS that?
Sounds like a fun weekend! 🙂