angela and i slept in the master bedroom and the bed was like laying in clouds and covering with stars. it was THE perfect bed. i slept beyond well there. miss chloe slept with us too, sweet girl that she is.
we laughed a LOT…it was such good times. i love staying up late, chatting into the wee hours of the morning.
we went shopping saturday and i tried my first bubble tea. i LOVED it! it was kinda like a milkshake. i so wish we could get it around here. absolute yumwhile i was gone joe and the kids finished my bathroom floor. he’s such a sweetie. and no, jade didn’t have to eat oodles of noodles all weekend. in fact when i came home on sunday joe had cooked a roast and had it on the table waiting on me. it was DELISH!
this weekend papa alan is coming down to spend easter with the kids and us. that also means i get a DATE NIGHT saturday night. i so love date nights. i can’t hardly wait for it!!!!!!
out for now
mmmmm…I want to try bubble tea!
I miss you 🙁 Ana bed is heavenly isnt it?!!!