i am so glad it’s friday, seriously, so glad…this week has felt forever long. stress just wears me out and this week was FILLED with it.
and i want to thank everyone for their comments and emails about yesterdays “sadness” post. it really meant a lot to me. i just hope if my friend is reading this that she knows every word of it was from my heart.
today is the day papa alan is coming and my kids are STOKED!!! they love their weekends with papa. he is coming tonight and wont leave until monday morning after he gets them on the bus. they already have big plans for tomorrow nights “papa + kids date night”…they can’t WAIT!
some random things that are making me happy today~
* dinner with papa tonight
* date night tomorrow night with my love
* feeling a good creative spell coming on
* some awesome super secret ventures coming up soon
* ice tea
* easter in two days
* leaving work at lunch time 🙂
* painting
i also found a super cool photography blog today…look here photography…awesome photography and some cool ideas!!! i think i’m going to have a photoshoot soon with my friend jen…and i love having new, fresh ideas swimming in my head.
out for now
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Hey girl.. Miss u on Tally. I am lifting you today. One of your LOs is in my favs and i am doign it for a challenge. You should come by and say hi! You rock! hugs
Hope you have a great weekend and I so think you and joe should order a bottle of wine on date night
Hugs honey