sooooo glad this week is half over…of course because the work week will be over but moreso because this weekend is to bring bits o’ sunshine…i am so so SO tired of rain, again, SO tired of it…it had rained for days and days and i’m totally over it.
we went to the wildlife show at the school last night…it was pretty good but the guys voice was totally annoying…and i’m not really so much for big birds flying over my head…i just always have visions of them shitting on my head…
so i’ve been loving on my art journal lately…and really getting into making tons of more pages for it…here is a quick one i did the other night…mostly because i had a HUGE desire to get painty and messy…

and lets talk biggest loser…i’m betting either tara or mike take it…and i’m TOTALLY hoping ron does NOT make it to the finale…he is one of the most annoying, back-stabbing, weasel-ish people there!!! and his son max, oh my heart goes out to him. you know he totally feels out of place and wants to lose the weight. i really really hope he does with his dad and brothers help.out for now~kisses
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