i’m soooo happy this is a short week…and soooo glad it’s almost over!!! we have another busy week and weekend coming up. tonight is joeys spring band concert (wonder if the drunk mom will be there again?)…tomorrow night is when i’m doing the soccer pictures…friday night joey has a friend staying over for his birthday and they are going on a canoe trip with the church, they won’t be home until saturday around dinner time…sunday is joeys birthday and he wants to go on an all day 4-wheeler ride…sunday night is the graduation program at church for kristen and young bob…busy couple days huh?
these are some of the pictures i’ve taken for the spring photography contest at work…what do ya’all think? you like them? do they totally suck and i should take new ones? which one is your fav?
joey had his first EVAH dance friday night…and let me tell you just how sad it made me. i can’t believe my boy is growing up. i super can’t believe that next week we have 6th grade graduation and next year he’ll be in high school. totally makes me sad. anyways, i took this pic at his dance…he ended up hating it and saying it was boring. i think he was just too tired to enjoy it since his field trip was that day too.
out for now

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