aahhhh thursday…i love you so…your the day before my FAV day EVAH! and this friday is extra extra special…my sweethearts birthday!!! joe will be 36 tomorrow…so watch for an extra special blog post tomorrow
tonight we have high school orientation at 6…i can’t even hardly say those words without wanting to throw up…high school? how did my baby grow up so fast? i just don’t understand how it’s even possible. it seems like just yesterday he was a baby. big steps and change are so not my friend…wish me luck…

i need to get busy taking some pictures this weekend…there is a “springtime” photo contest at work and i haven’t taken a single pic for it yet!!! i have tons of ideas swimming in my head for it. and i’m going to use the following as my inspiration. i think i’m going to go with nature/flowers mixed with people. i’m just SO not a “flower shooter”…so i’ll have to mix something in the pictures with them…i’ll show ya’all them here when i’m done…

out for now
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