i’ve got a question for ya…what is WRONG with me? i just can’t scrap…i have like NO desire to scrap either. if i sit down at my desk and try to force myself nothing happens…i’ve had this on again off again relationship with scrapping ever since january when i quit smoking. i have NO clue what quitting smoking has to do with scrapping but obviously somewhere in my subconsious the two tie together. ever since then scrapping has been a struggle for me. ya’all know how much i adore it!!! so tell me all you scrappers…have you ever had something like this happen to you? what did you do to fix it? i seriously MISS my scrapping time!!!!
out for now
You quit smoking? CONGRATS! I'm on round 2 of quitting, again! Don't ever go back, not even just one!
Maybe instead of scrapping – which is a form of the inner YOU – maybe you have refocused that energy to focus ON YOU, your body (exercising, not smoking) and your well-being. It's like scrapping for the soul instead of on paper. AND IT IS OK! I go through LONG periods of not scrapping, too.
Hang in there!
I had no desire to scrap when I got Dee, my camera, yes I named her. I would much rather take pictures and edit them, then scrap them. Hope you get your mojo back.
congrats on quitting smoking, you go girl!!!!