so today was the first day of school. i cannot believe my boy is in 7th grade…which means he is up in the high school now (we don’t have a middle school). he’s been on my mind all morning, i hope he’s doing well. he was kinda nervous about today.
miss jade is now in 5th grade and is determined to do her best this year. seems her dad told her if she did well this year then she would get a cell phone. thats all i need, TWO kids with cell phones! she was really excited to go today and wear her new clothes, especially her “becky bones”…she told me once she has worn all her new clothes then she won’t be excited for school anymore, lol…
i am just in absolute LOVE with jades bag…we bought it from wonky rocket on etsy. it’s called “a wonky owl named judith”…so love it. and if she ever gets tired of it i’m totally claiming it!
joey has his first scrimmage tonight at 5…i’m sooooo excited for it but totally nervous. it’s a lot different than peewee. please say a prayer for him and all the kids playing, for their safety. you know OF COURSE i’ll be taking pics and loading them on here tomorrow.
out for now
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