we had a fab day yesterday, just the four of us hanging out…watching movies…the kids cutting up and making me laugh ALL DAY…snuggling with my pup on the couch (and occasionally a kid or hubby)…we had GREAT meals (pulled pork sandwiches with macaroni salad and a big fat lettuce salad for dinner)…i wore my sweats all day long, after church, and had my hair up in a pony…it was just a perfect day.
this is my pic of the day for yesterday…when my grandma moved in with my mom they found quilt squares that she hadn’t ever made into a quilt. my cousin sue took them and brought this finished product back to grandma last weekend, isn’t it gorgeous??? all hand stitched…and such a wonderful part of heritage to pass down through the generations. i am a sucker for quilts, i love them. i have ones that my grandma strong made as well…i wish i had the patience (and ability) to quilt…
here are some other pics from the weekend…the first one is a pic i took when joey and i went on our walk saturday morning…the colors of the berries against the background i thought was gorgeous…
and this is a pic of our christmas tree this year…the sled beside it was my dads when he was a child. i just love having things like that, things that can be passed down…hopefully my children will appreciate these “things” as much as i do…
and this last pic is of my pup…my sweet little dog…as him and i were snuggling on the couch yesterday watching tv…when either the kids or joe would try to move him so they could sit by me he would growl and basically say a big fat NO, which makes me laugh hard…he sure loves his mama…
out for now
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Amy I adore Pepper and if I ever get to come visit you I want to snuffle him up the whole time. He is Lola's soul mate for sure!