saturday we had a really awesome day spent outside (and i actually remembered to take my camera along)…joey and i took his 4wheeler (with joe following us in the truck) to a teen activity the church had. so we put on our snowsuits (except for joey, he is WAY to cool for his) and we were off…let’s just say i underestimated exactly how cold it was going to be. we packed a picnic to take along and stopped halfway to eat. we also got to talk to a truckload of nice hunters who informed us they were hunting a pack of coyotes right in the area we were…guess how fast we ate our lunch?
can you even believe i got a pic of joe smiling? it’s totally because i snuck and took it. it’s rare…
i am in LOVE with these next two pics of us…they are SO SO SO us…and capture our personalities perfectly!
miss jadie had a good time playing in the snow BUT she got her snowsuit wet…wet snowsuit = FREEZING cold = whiney girl = cranky daddy
out for now
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