happy birthday to my boy…
i can’t believe he turns 13 today…
where has the time gone…
let’s celebrate with some random facts about my oldest little…
* i’m almost certain he can eat his weight in pizza
* he has the most amazing singing voice BUT refuses to use it
* he makes me laugh, like super-hard-almost-pee-my-pants, on a daily basis
* he plays the drums
* he absolutely hates bees
* he LOVES his 4-wheeler
* he has some grudge against the clothes hamper, thus letting his laundry on his bedroom floor instead
* he really really really enjoys sleep
* football IS his thing, and he waits all year long for the season to start
* he loves to tease his sister until she wants to punch him in the throat, laughing the entire time (she doesn’t so much laugh at this)
out for now
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