finally it’s friday!!! i sometimes think the 4 day work weeks feel longer than a normal week. i am sooo ready for this weekend and to just relax with the fam.
yesterday i had to take my pup to the vet for a “dental cleaning”…he has had terrible breath for quite a while and the vet said he deffo needed a cleaning…dropping him off at the vets office just broke my heart, he looked at me with those sad sad eyes and begged me to take him back home and not leave him there…all day he was on my mind and i was soooo excited to pick him up…when i picked him up i found out my poor sweet pup also had to have 16 teeth pulled
sooo sad about this….but today he seems to be feeling a lot better, thank goodness…i took these pics tonight while were were snuggling…

out for now
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Did you say 16 teeth PULLED? How is that possible for a dog to endure that kind of pain?
Actually they put him out to do the cleaning & pulling.