if everyone could join me in lifting a little girl up in prayer it would be greatly appreciated…she is the granddaughter of a co-worker of mine…kayla is only 13 years old but has crohn’s disease horribly…yesterday they took her by ambulance to pittsburgh to run further tests and try to help her as much as they can…
about a year ago kayla had surgery to remove part of her intestine, it was such a painful surgery for a little girl to have to go through…recently they’ve been trying an IV treatment…she would get an IV every 2-3 weeks to try to help with her crohn’s but the IV treatments have now given her terrible arthritis…some days she even has trouble moving around…her disease has honestly taken over her life…she had to switch to cyber school because public school was just not an option with how bad her disease is…
please keep kayla in your prayers…she’s only 13, still a little girl, and having to endure things most of us as adults can’t even imagine…
thanks everyone =)
out for now
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