some random happenings in the cutler household…
– joey had a day of iss (in school suspension) last week for a fight (aka horseplay)…the other kid has been in numerous fights this year…and he did hit joey 3 times before joey hit him back…but when joey DID finally hit him back, he knocked him out…ummmm, on one hand you want to be like “now you know you shouldn’t fight” but on the other hand you want to say “so, for real, you knocked him out…like out cold?”…
– both of the littles have joined spring soccer again this year…so fairly soonish (april i think) all the running will start again…weekly practices and weekend games…but i don’t mind, it gives them something to occupy their time AND is better than them sitting at home watching tv…
– spring is on it’s way and WE.CANT.WAIT. i am so over this winter…and snow, ugh, totally over it as well…so bring on the sunshine and warmth (and please keep the crazy mud hole, aka my driveway in the spring)…
– new kitchen appliances, heck YES! a stove that actually cooks correctly? and a dishwasher? ooohhhhh this mama will not know what to do with herself!
out for now
ps…i have some pics to upload here IF i could just remember to take them off my camera =)
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