why i love my kids…
me: hey guys, guess what we are going to be taking care of for someone?
jade: how big is it?
me: not real super big
jade: would it fit in our bathtub?
me: um…yeah, it probably would
jade: is it a whale?
me: (looking at her to see if she was serious…and yep, she was)
joey: looking at this picture of me when i was little
jade: you were stronting it for the girls
me: do you mean strutting?
jade: oh yeah, isn’t that what i said?
family: (chattering about what we are going to have for dinner)
jade: what would you do if i turned into a tucan and flew away
family: (silence)
jade: so seriously, what would you do
me: ummm, not sure jade
jade: would you turn my room into a rainforest?
me: sure
jade: what if i turned into a racoon
**this is not meant to be offensive, just seriously funny**
(while we were sitting in the middle of a crowded restaurant)
jade: so sometimes in school the kids put their arms up like this and say white power
me: OH MY GOODNESS jade, ssshhhhhh, don’t ever ever ever do and say that…don’t you know what that is about?
jade: yes, it’s about hitler…
me: do you know who he is jade?
jade: yes, he was a famous french painter
me: (staring at her with my mouth hanging open…speechless)
joey: wow jade, wow
out for now
OMG…. how funny!! Kids really do say the dardest things for sure! I love it!