so far in this series we’ve revived our prayers, revived our attitude, revived our friendship and revived our praise. this week the challenge is to revive our sex lives.
now let me say this…i’m not so sure i can write a big long post about this topic as i have in weeks past. i understand that sex is a normal part of marriage that God designed and it truly is beautiful. but my mom reads my blog ya’all and so do my littles sometimes, i think even my sons girlfriend reads it sometimes…and i think it’s weird and awkward for them to have to read about me writing about sex. so what i’m going to do is link ya’all to the other amazing Christian women that have wrote awesome blogs on that subject this week 🙂 all you’ll need to do is click on their name below and it will take you straight to their blog
sheila {to love honor and vacuum}
i don’t want my lack of blogging this week to come across as me thinking this topic isn’t important or that sex is something to be ashamed of. i feel sex is something truly beautiful and amazing to be shared between a husband and wife.
the world does it’s best every single day to degrade our marriage bed. purity isn’t something that is admired in the world, it’s mocked to no end. in fact, i saw a quote someone online that said “virginity is not dignity, it’s lack of opportunity”. you can even buy a t-shirt with that quote on it.
just one more piece of advice…sex is something as wives we should make a priority. God intended sex to create a oneness within our marriage. we don’t want to feel deprived and neither do our husbands. remember “What God has joined together, let no one seperate”. you are one with your husband. and we are to hold fast to our husbands!
boy, what happened to me not being able to blog about sex? awfully long winded for a subject i didn’t think i could talk about, lol…
out for now
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