before we get started, let me tell you how totally excited i am for this new venture. God has sure been working on my heart with this, and i’ve adored every single step of this journey. i hope you enjoy this series as much as i’ve loved writing it.
this week is a hard subject for me, forgiveness. as i’ve said before, this girls heart can hold a grudge like no other. forgiveness just isn’t something that comes easily or naturally to me. over the years i’ve learned that forgiveness is an absolute key part to a successful relationship.
the day that my husband decided to walk out the door and leave our family, i was angry. i was so beyond angry. i was hurt, plain and simple. it wasn’t like a little sting, it was a pain that goes to your bones. it felt like my heart had been torn out of my body and my tenderness was brutalized. i was broken and damaged to the center of my very being.
i had two choices…i could ignore my anger and let it fester in my heart or i could forgive him and work towards a resolution. thankfully, and with God’s help, i chose the second one. it would have been so easy to just cling on to that anger daily. but that would have hardened my heart and to be completely honest, would have ended in divorce.
forgiving love is a love that is securely rooted in God’s love for us. God wants our love to be sweet, soft-hearted and lovely. and He wants it overflowing with forgiveness. by offering forgiveness, we are offering the grace that God has given us. the giving of grace and forgiving love will change the entire tone of your marriage.
give up that anger, regardless of what the injustice was that was done to you. pitch that anger right out the window. and those thoughts of revenge? not in this marriage. they need disposed of as well. with all that gone, God will start to work in both your hearts. forgiving love heals hurts and helps spouses feel accepted and connected again. it’s so comforting to know if you mess up (as we all do) that you won’t be condemned for it daily.
love this!