she speaks with wisdom and teachers others to be loving and kind, using her own words as an example. she is slow to speak and her words are like a honeycomb. she adds value to the conversations she is part of. when she talks, it’s definitely something worth hearing. and i can almost guarantee she never once referred to her husband as her “old man”. her words were always respectful and when people refer to their spouses that way (which irritates me) it isn’t showing respect at all.
this girl right here likes to talk, a lot. and as we can see from proverbs 10:19,when there are a lot of words there is a lot of room for there to be slip-ups. i cannot count how many times i’ve put my foot in my mouth. the proverbs 31 woman didn’t neglect her mind, she filled it with wisdom from Gods word. wisdom that allowed her to pick and choose her words carefully. wisdom of when to speak, and when to not.
this noble woman would never participate in gossip or cut others down during conversations. as women, we simply love to discuss things, especially when we can enlighten someone else about an issue that they are uninformed about. why this brings such recreation to us, i wish i knew, but this is simply the nature of women as God created us. God does not seem to distinguish between whether the information is true or false or bad. the scriptures simply say that we are a gossiper if we reveal the secret. if we conceal the secret, we are of a faithful spirit. gossip is bad. period. we disappoint God when we listen to gossip or spread gossip ourselves. we need to show God our faithfulness by not participating in the spreading of other people’s secrets.
as i’ve said before, this girl likes to talk. and i totally admit at times my conversations would absolutely be considered gossip. over the past few years, God has really strengthened my walk. through that, i’ve noticed something new occuring. when a conversation is taking a turn towards gossip, i get a little pang inside me that warns me. danger will robinson, danger. this is the Holy Spirit revealing the truth, convicing me of my sin and appealing to my conscience. and i sure need to sit up and listen.
your tongue can destroy everything you have by using careless words. we go to church on sunday, sing praises to God then leave and fight about what to have for lunch. not that i’m speaking from experience or anything. did you ever heart the saying you don’t have to attend every argument you’re invited to? we all need to remember that.
as Christian women, our speech should be completely different than what the worlds speech looks like. the way we speak to our husbands should look differently as well.
she had a filter and stopped herself from saying anything that wasn’t kind. her words were filled to the brim with grace, faithfulness, kindness and mercy. can you say that? i know i can’t. so many days the first thought that hits my mind comes straight out of my mouth. and this girl right here, sadly, she has a big mouth. but i am learning to control my tongue. there are times to speak up and speak truth, but seek Gods wisdom and discernment to know those times.
we need to live this life, so our children can watch us. so they will be the wives and husbands God intended them to be. so our daughters know how to act towards their husband and children. so our sons know what to look for in a wife.
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