throughout our lives, we’ve all faced struggles. we’ve all had seasons of storms when it seems you can’t even see the shore. whether your season comes in the form of dog diarrhea or feeling like a failure, we all know what struggling feels like. every single one of us. and it’s not a good feeling. and normally, it’s not pretty. what makes the struggles a little easier to bear? knowing we have someone to lean on. it’s so comforting to know that during those times, we are never ever truly alone.
we can take our problems, fears, failures, concerns and the worlds lies to Him through prayer and have Him grace us with strength, wisdom, patience and compassion. we need to allow our struggles to remind us to lean on Him when we are weak, tired, sad, broken and need to be nurtured. He will meet you right where you are. and He will gently lead you through it with His grace.
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