Today I am so super thankful for these good, wholesome shows. I love that I can share them with my littles (although I don’t know if they enjoy them as much as me). TV sure has changed. And not for the better. When I watch this show the trust in the Lord and faith is so clearly demonstrated. When Pa and Ma’s son died they started reciting Psalm 23. In the good times and the bad times they constantly bring it back to the Lord.
And the Waltons, that sweet family, I can just picture myself sitting at their big table. Their house reminds me so much of my old farmhouse. Grandma and Grandpa reminds me SO much of mine! Him with his mischievous ways and her sassing at him to behave. There lives were tough, and life did not always go as they would have liked. They lived in a multi-generational house, had a home business, and almost everyone under the roof was a type A, strong willed personality.
So super thankful that these are the shows I grew up on. The lessons from them are endless.
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