I will go on a diet.
I will get my spending habits under control.
I will be more patient with my kids.
I will be a better wife, daughter, sister, friend.
I will exercise regularly.
I will pray more.
Sound Familiar? Yep, it’s the resolution train. And by March, more than likely it will derail (if you make it that long). How do I know? So many times I’ve vowed to make a change with every intention of sticking it out. And then, two or three weeks later, I would throw the towel in. Giving up is something I am sooooo good at. I would consider myself a bit of a pro actually.
It certainly wasn’t because of a lack of desire; I wanted to change. Motivation wasn’t the issue, either; I was highly motivated (at least for the first two weeks in January). Resolutions are really goals in disguise. I was treating my resolutions as desires when what I needed to do was set specific goals.
If you’ve decided that this is truly a change you want to make and one that is pleasing to God, the next step is spending some time on your knees praying about it. Remember, with God by your side ALL things are possible.
So, this year increase the chances that you’ll be one of the people who meet their New Year’s goals. All it takes is a realistic approach and a can-do attitude.
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