When I was a child, there were many days I worked alongside my dad. I was an only child so when he needed a helper, it was me. He taught me how to put shingles on a house, change my own oil and flat tires, sharpen mower blades, how to replace a universal joint or exhaust, how to mix bondo and braze.
Words of encouragement are so so important to our littles. We see a perfect picture of an encouraging parent in Matthew 3:17, after Jesus is baptized, His Father makes it clear to all of us, just how He feels about His precious son. “And a voice from Heaven said, ‘This is my Son, whom I love, with him I am well pleased.’”
I try to make a point to tell my children how precious they are to me, always. Even if they make mistakes, I encourage them still. No matter how old my children are, from time to time I will just tell them, “There isn’t any other child in the world I’d rather have than you.” My children usually smile and respond with a “love you mama”.
Take a moment today and publicly praise your child. Ask God to shine a light on areas your son or daughter could use some life-giving praise. Speak those words out loud and in front of the rest of the family. Then watch your child grow!
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