When your life falls apart—through a death, a lost relationship, a diagnosis—you want more than anything to know that your pain has a purpose. And that beyond your pain, a new day awaits.
Tricia Lott Williford discovered this in a few tragic hours when her thirty-five-year-old husband died unexpectedly. In And Life Comes Back, she writes with soaring prose about her tender, brave journey as a widow with two young boys in the agonizing days and months that followed his death.
And Life Comes Back documents the tenacity of love, the exquisite transience of each moment, and the laughter that comes even in loss. This traveler’s guide to finding new life after setbacks offers no easy answers or glib spiritual maxims but instead draws you into your own story and the hope that waits for you even now.
Wow. Wow. Wow.
I got this book two days ago…TWO days ago. The night I started reading it, I seriously could NOT put it down. This was one of those books that I could walk around with my nose in all day.
Tricia holds nothing back in this book. Her grief is raw and tangible, you feel as if you are there experiencing it with her. Many times the tears were running down my face. Her strength is so evident in her words. Every page shines with the evidence of her rock solid faith.
And Life Comes Back is an inspiring book full of raw emotion, truth, and hope. I praise God that he gave Tricia the courage to share openly about things many of us would rather keep hidden.
WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group provided this book to me for free in exchange for this honest review as part of their Blogging for Books program.
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